Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Setting of Expectations

I still remember when I was in first year and my teacher told us to introduce ourselves. I was so excited to know my new classmates. I knew that some of them would become dear to me. I was eager to hear their stories: their names, the school where they came from and their expectations in college life.

Today is different, I am no longer a student who is eager to listen to my classmate's stories. Now, I am the one who is setting my house rules and facilitate the class activities. 

In order for me to know the students schema (prior knowledge) and to test their communication skills, I asked them to speak in front of the class, introduce their selves and share their stories. After everybody has told their own dramas, I gave them papers, markers and crayons. I asked them to draw their expectations towards me, to their classmates and to the school management. 

I felt their excitement, their eagerness to complete the task, their desires to excel and to show what they've got from their high school academic training. Below are the pictures of my CTU 1st year Education class during  the setting of expectations activity:

This activity helped me discover who among the class has the spirit of a good leader, who among them shows the spirit of cooperation, who among them remains calm and compose, who among them has the talent in arts, who among them are good communicators and above all it helped me know where to begin in teaching them based on their schema.