Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Significance

I have been working for three years already in Convergys and prior to that I taught for 2 years in a private school in Butuan City, but even once the issue of my worth in the company never occurred in my mind. Not until today that realize my significance in the circle where I am moving. 

I am a person who just work and do what I think I need to do. I believe that I am paid for this job so I must do what is expected of me. Even once I never thought of being recognized for what I am doing because for me it is just a normal thing. 

I thought that the job of a Floor Support ends in the four corners of the production floor. It is already self fulfilling when I resolve an agent's issue, identify agents with attitudes and go home with a passing service level. I never thought on the consequences of what I am doing. It never came to my mind whether the things I did helped the business or not.

But this morning after listening to the presentation of OM Lyle, I realized where I am in the picture of this company. I realized the importance of the things that I am doing. I have painted a clear picture of everything. It was then that I became proud of my self. I am proud that I am an integral part of this group. I am proud that I am doing things that is above the expectations of my managers. I am proud because I am significant, I am important and the most wonderful thing is it is not only me who have seen my significance but also the management.

I am so motivated with this realization. However, another thought came in to my mind, Am I significant in the life of my students? I think is too early for me to know that. :) 

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